Residential story

A.A moved into the My Homes in January of 2013. He was struggling emotionally, physically and behaviourally. A.A. had such a high level of intense anger that he was unable to hold himself to any level of control while in public places or in private situations. It was clear that his past trauma of physical and emotional abuse from immediate family members had left him feeling unworthy and holding strong to feelings of distrust. The only coping skill he had been taught was to lash out and act aggressively in defense. He was at a point in his life where he had one door close after another. Several school placements rejected him as they deemed him “unmanageable”, he was without housing and was completely void of any form of emotional support or care providers. It did not take long for this to all turn around however.

With the emotional support, proper housing, clothing, nutrition, etc., A.A. was able to stabilize within our program. He worked hard on his anger issues and received informal and formal support with this. As well, he was able to obtain several school credits due to our assisting him with advocating to the school system to allow for him to retain placement and to be able to be given a chance to receive an education. While living at the My Home, his school attendance was extremely high and he was able to complete a few skill work programs.  He was able to address his addictions issues, learn to understand what healthy relationships are, understand the value of employment, set and achieve numerous immediate and future goals and best of all, he was able to gain a sense of belonging and began to truly believe that he was worthy.