Our Stories: Operation Runaway

DF has a history of struggling with substances and alcohol use. He has been working with Operation Runway for the past few months, where there was a focus on safety planning and engagement. In May, he made the decision that he needed to start making some positive changes for himself and wanted help. He had been living with his mom in the community but often their arguments would become violent. DF decided to come to Ground Zero so he could have a safe and sober environment to figure out his next steps. During his stay at Ground Zero, Operation Runaway continued to see him daily. He decided that he wanted to attend Valley Hill Treatment Centre. This was a big step as he had never tried treatment before. DF has been doing very well in treatment and has been there for almost 5 weeks. He has really enjoyed his time in treatment and has been planning with his Operation Runaway Supports his next steps after treatment. He is graduating from treatment this week!